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+358 45 650 8585
Nordic Geo Center Oy

Laser scanning solutions


Acquisition of a laser scanner

Nordic Geo Center Oy (Ltd) is a Finnish, family owned reseller of geospational surveying instruments. The company is founded in 2005, but the experience of our personnel goes back several decades covering a range of various surveying instruments. From the point of view of geospatial surveying, the basic aims and questions have remained more or less the same even though the surveying instruments have changed.

Our personnel have been involved in airborne laser scanning since mid-1990s and with terrestrial instruments since 1999. We have also been involved with IMU technology since 1980s.

For reselling surveying instruments, our business area covers Finland, Estonia and Sweden.

For training and testing purposes, we can work on all continents. Our personnel have scanned for example paper mills in Europe and China; cultural heritage in Italy. In Finland we have tested scanning with our customers in various fields including construction, forestry, mining and other industries.

For the last few years we have been heavily involved in developing road scanning with RIEGL VMX scanners. As a result, we can now train our customers to process the typical road parameters from the VMX data with comparable results to the traditional road survey vehicles. Our results have also been subjected to testing conducted by the road authorities in both Finland and Sweden. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

* The Siberian larches on the left have been scanned with Riegl VZ-400 scanner in 2010 in Punkaharju, Finland. The tallest known tree in Finland is visible in this cross section.

RIEGL technology

Working Principle of RIEGL LiDAR Instruments

What is inside a RIEGLl scanner? Have a look at an introductory video about RIEGL laser scanners.

The Principle Time-of-Flight Measurement

RIEGL’s Time-of-Flight laser scanners are based on very accurate measurement of time. Have a look how this measurment principle works.

RIEGL LiDAR Waveform Processing knowhow

RIEGLi’s patented waveform technology enables very accurate surveying results. Have a look at the video on its working principles.



Check our events calendar to see where we are exhibiting and present. If you know any nice events that you think might suit us, please feel free to suggest them to us.

Of course we are always welcoming people to visit our office in Kulosaari, Helsinki, Finland or we can always visit you!

Our blog (in Finnish)

Nordic Geo Center Oy